Posts in International Tax
Non-Resident Landlords

If a non-UK resident rents out their UK home, or receives rental income from any other property in the UK whilst living overseas, they will be required to register as a non-resident landlord with HMRC in order to get the UK rental income paid to them without 20% tax being withheld at source from the gross rents by the tenants/letting agents.

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Non-resident capital gains tax

UK expats and other non-UK residents are, generally, not liable to UK capital gains tax (CGT), even on disposals of assets situated in the UK. However, there are some exceptions to this general rule, for example in the case of disposals by individuals who are temporarily non-UK resident.

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UK Pensions

Some non-UK residents assume that they should continue paying UK tax on their UK pensions even after they leave the UK but this isn’t always the case as their country of residence may have the primary taxing right over the income source.

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Statutory Residence Test (SRT)

UK residents are, generally, liable to UK tax on their worldwide income and gains. Whereas, long-term non-UK residents are, generally, only subject to UK tax on their UK source income, plus on taxable gains from the disposal of certain UK assets, including residential property.

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